Universal Design: Implications for Computing Education

The article, Universal Design: Implications for Computing Education https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/2037276.2037283 provides examples of the strategies that apply UD to instruction and assessment in the context of a computer science classroom and recommends topics for future research. The examples include:

  • Select printed materials and prepare a syllabus early to allow students the option of beginning to read materials before the course begins and allow adequate time to arrange for alternate formats, such as books in audio format or in Braille.

  • Include a statement in her syllabus inviting students to meet with her regarding learning challenges, disability-related accommodations, and/or computer and technology lab access issues.

  • Provide a comprehensive syllabus that includes learning objectives, a grading rubric, course assignments and deadlines, test dates, and student resources.

  • Arrange seating to ensure each student has a clear line of sight to her and visual aids and allow room for wheelchairs in multiple locations.

  • Give students scaffolding tools such as outlines, graphic organizers, and copies of projected materials with room for note taking.

  • Use large, bold fonts on uncluttered overhead displays.

  • Speak aloud content presented with visual aids.

  • Face the class, speak clearly, make eye contact with all students, and refer to students by name.

  • Incorporate background and contextual information.

  • Present content in a logical order, summarize what has been covered periodically, and emphasize major points.

  • Avoid unnecessary jargon and complexity; define new terms and acronyms.

  • Provide multiple examples of specific concepts to make them relevant to individuals with diverse characteristics with respect to gender, ethnicity, race, socioeconomic status, age, ability, disability, interest, and life experiences.

  • Repeat questions asked by students to ensure all have heard them.

  • Encourage students to share multiple perspectives and model mutual respect.

  • Avoid drawing undue attention to a difference, such as a disability.

  • Put class notes and assignments [in Canvas or] on a Web site in an accessible, text-based format.

  • Provide multiple ways to demonstrate knowledge, allow ample time for tests, and use a testing format that is consistent with teaching practices and assignments.

  • Provide regular feedback and corrective opportunities (e.g., allow students to turn in parts of a large programming project for feedback before the final project is due and give students some credit for correcting errors after an assignment is first submitted).

  • Know campus protocols for getting materials in alternate formats and arranging for other accommodations for students with disabilities.

  • Make sure that assistive technology can be made available in a computer lab in a timely manner when requested.

If you have time, consider sharing under this post:

What issues have you seen, or could you imagine, related to equitable treatment of people with disabilities in your classes? What are your thoughts on the approaches for making classes more accessible suggested in the article?

How do you think the concept of universal design interacts and intersects with some of the other ideas we’ve discussed this semester? How can it apply to other aspects of equity and inclusion?

How UDL Helps Us Create Classes Where Everyone Can Learn and Succeed

A few weeks ago we talked about UDL in the conversation around accessible syllabi. This post provides more back ground on what UDL or (Universal Design of Learning) is, and how it can be useful to you when you for the purposes of teaching and learning. The information I am providing was adapted from the work of Flower Darby, author of Small Teaching Online. and the UDL Higher Education Special Interest Group.

Within the higher education landscape, there are unique challenges. Some of these include: differing school models and missions, degrees of faculty’s focus on research (sometimes over instruction), the size of classes and campuses, the connections between faculty and students, the lack of  background in the area of teaching for many individual faculty, the relationship among faculty and other service providers (e.g., disability services), and the impact of legislative accessibility standards (different for different countries).

Although UDL first took hold in K12 education, the neuroscience and the principles that undergird this framework certainly apply to higher education as well, to address the wide variety of students that an institution may serve. When we think about the college context and about today’s students, we realize that other considerations come into play in addition to students’ needs and preferences relating to both learning and technology.

For example, today’s college students [at both the graduate and undergraduate level] are more likely than ever to be juggling at least one of the following challenges, and often more than one:

  • Working to pay for college

  • Raising a child on their own

  • Dealing with mental health challenges such as anxiety

  • Facing food or housing insecurity, if not both

  • Or a myriad of other issues.

Given this reality, it’s important that we build in support and options within the very design of the class. While students  at IU can request accommodations based on need, Newt Miller, Associate Dean at Ashford University has said, we can “accommodate off the bat,” (2020) so that students don’t need to request special treatment, deadline extensions, or opportunities to revise and resubmit, as examples.

General Resources:

This video provides more information about the importance of UDL in our college classes.

Additional Resources