Higher Education Podcasts

Dr. Laura Pasquini is an educational coach and consultant who is passionate about podcasts. She has created two resources that may be useful to you if you are interested in finding more educational podcasts to listen to, or creating your own:

  • HigherEd Podcasts: https://bit.ly/higheredpodcasts is a spreadsheet that she has curated. The first page has a list of more than 200 podcasts that focus on various aspects of higher education. The second page is a more general list of podcasts that touch on more random topics in the range of education, general interest and self-improvement.

  • Behind the Podcast: http://bit.ly/behindthepodcast provides a behind the scenes look at how some of the more popular higher education podcasts are created recording set-ups of several higher ed podcasts. The producers of podcasts such as Teaching in Higher Ed and Thinkudl.org share information about the hardware and software they use to create their podcasts, as well as their hosting service and resources they use to produce the content for their podcasts.

Research in Action Podcast

Last year, Oregon State University concluded the podcast series, Research In Action. The archives remain available for review. The podcast covers a wide variety of topics related to research, teaching, and/or higher education. Some specific titles include:

Each podcast comes with an instructor guide as well as resources connected to each segment of the podcast. The instructor guides include:

  • A brief abstract describing what is discussed in the podcast

  • The guest bio and segment topics

  • Learning outcomes for the episode

  • Time stamps for each segment

  • Link to the episode show notes and transcript

  • Guiding questions for listening to the episode

  • Potential classroom activities that could be paired with the episode

  • Links and/or citations related to content mentioned in each section

What podcast are you listening to that help inform your teaching and learning?